RSUQ news

Katerina Giannoukou completed her secondment at EDF in France.

New paper published in Structural Safety

Nora Lüthen gives a lecture on simulation-based risk analysis at ZHAW

David Heredia visits the RSUQ chair

New paper published in Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering

Software tutorial about UQ with UQLab and UM-bridge at Front-UQ 2024

New paper published in Structural Safety

The final GREYDIENT network-wide event took place in Leuven

Anderson Pires completed his secondment at Phimeca Engineering in Paris

PhD position available at TU Delft

Nora Lüthen taught at the GAMM Juniors Summer School 2024

ETH Medal for Xujia Zhu

Bruno Sudret gives a distinguished lecture in Prague

The RSUQ chair attends the EMI/PMC 2024 conference

New Editorial Board membership

New Associate Editor appointment

New paper published in Reliability Engineering & System Safety

Styfen Schär participates in the MASCOT-NUM conference

New paper published in Nature Communications

Bruno Sudret gives an invited lecture at the 94th GAMM Annual meeting

The RSUQ Chair participates in the SIAM UQ conference

Jonathan Moran joins the Chair of Risk, Safety and Uncertainty Quantification for a 5-month research stay

Katerina Giannoukou’s secondment at the Technical University of Munich (TUM)

New paper published in Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing

Anderson Pires in the winning team of GREYDIENT Hackaton

Beyond Borders: GREYDIENT's Network Event in Munich (Germany)

Lukas Fritsch joins the Chair of Risk, Safety and Uncertainty Quantification for a 5-month research stay

Bruno Sudret gives a keynote lecture at ICASP14

Bruno Sudret gives a semi-plenary lecture at UNCECOMP 2023

New paper published in International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification

Software engineer with civil engineering background

New paper published in Computers & Structures

New paper published in in Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics and Engineering

New paper published in Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics

Xujia Zhu defended his PhD thesis

Multi-objective robust optimization using adaptive surrogate models for problems with mixed continuous-categorical variables

Bruno Sudret gives a keynote lecture at CILAMCE’2022

New paper published in International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification

GREYDIENT network-wide event 3

Nora Lüthen defended her PhD thesis

Xujia Zhu received the Best Paper Award at the ISRERM22 Conference

Paul-Remo Wagner receives the ETH medal for his PhD thesis

New paper published in Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing

New paper published in Geophysical Journal International

Network-wide GREYDIENT event hosted in Zurich

Two open PhD positions in Uncertainty Quantification

SAMO 2022


B. Sudret publishes a book on structural mechanics with Springer

Post-doc/scientific developer opening at RSUQ

MSc thesis opportunity: Sensitivity analysis for a novel urban drainage model

Open PhD position at ONERA (France) co-supervised by RSUQ

UQSay seminar on Poincaré chaos expansions

New paper published in Structural Safety

New paper published in Structural Safety

New paper published in Frontiers in Built Environment

Bruno Sudret gives a keynote.

Lecture on Simulation Based Risk Analysis at ZHAW

GREYDIENT first ITN meeting

H2020 HIPERWIND Project Webinar

Bruno Sudret gave an invited lecture on active learning methods for structural reliability analysis.

Polynomial chaos expansions and UQLab presented at the 4th Indian National Conference on Multidisciplinary Design, Analysis and Optimization

New paper published in SIAM/ASA Journal of Uncertainty Quantification

New paper published in Structural safety

Paul-Remo Wagner defended his PhD thesis

Matrisk offers a Risk Engineer position in Affoltern am Albis



ICOSSAR 2021-2022


New paper published in Reliability Engineering & System Safety

EMI/PMC 2021


Review and benchmark paper on sparse polynomial chaos expansions published

The Chair is looking for a full-stack web developer

Best poster award for Nora Lüthen at MASCOT-NUM 2021

Grenoble Alpes University (UGA) offers a PhD position on the dynamics of COVID-19 propagation



New papers published in the Journal of Computational Physics and International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification

Uncertainty quantification in flooding prevention project

New group picture from our home offices

University of Stuttgart offers positions for junior research group leaders

Prof. Bruno Sudret appointed in scientific committee of LNE

Ph.D positions in grey-box models for safe and reliable intelligent mobility systems

Chair of RSUQ is the 4-th most cited on UQ in 2020



Ph.D position in surrogate modelling for uncertainty quantification in offshore wind turbine design

Innovedum grant

HIPERWIND European project Kick-off meeting

Biswarup Bhattacharyya joins the Chair

European H2020 Grant for the HIPERWIND project

IFIP WG 7.5 2020


New paper published in Building and Environment

New paper published in Joule

New paper published in Reliability Engineering & System Safety

New paper published in the International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification

New paper published in Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing

New papers published in Reliability Engineering and System Safety and the International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification

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