RSUQ news
Katerina Giannoukou completed her secondment at EDF in France.
Katerina Giannoukou explored innovative methods for non-destructive testing during her 3-month research visit at EDF.
New paper published in Structural Safety
Anderson V. Pires, M. Moustapha, S. Marelli, and B. Sudret publish a new paper showcasing active learning techniques for reliability analysis of noisy systems.
Nora Lüthen gives a lecture on simulation-based risk analysis at ZHAW
The lecture was part of the CAS "Risikoanalytik und Risiko-Assessment" of the ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften.
David Heredia visits the RSUQ chair
David, PhD student with Olivier Roustant and Aldéric Joulin in Toulouse, visited Zürich for a 10-day research stay.
New paper published in Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
B. Sudret published a new paper in collaboration with F. Schneider, I. Papaioannou and G. Müller at the Technical University of Munich (TUM).
Software tutorial about UQ with UQLab and UM-bridge at Front-UQ 2024
Nora Lüthen presented a hands-on tutorial on applying UQLab to a case study from aerospace engineering.
New paper published in Structural Safety
S. Schär and S. Marelli published a new paper with their collaborators from the HIPERWIND project H. Wang, O. Gramstad and E. Vanem.
The final GREYDIENT network-wide event took place in Leuven
The 8th and last network-wide event of the EU project GREYDIENT took place in Leuven on 11-13 September 2024.
Anderson Pires completed his secondment at Phimeca Engineering in Paris
Anderson Pires develops new methods for earthquake safety assessment during his research stay at Phimeca Engineering in Paris.
PhD position available at TU Delft
Prof. A. Störiko has opened a PhD position on "Surrogate-enabled Uncertainty Quantification for Water Quality Modeling".
Nora Lüthen taught at the GAMM Juniors Summer School 2024
The summer school on "Uncertainty Quantification, Stochastic Partial Differential Equations and Risk Analysis" took place at ETH Zürich.
ETH Medal for Xujia Zhu
"Celebrating Excellence: Former PhD Student Xujia Zhu Awarded ETH Medal for Top 5% Dissertation on Surrogate Modeling".
Kick-off meeting of a joint project with the University of São Paolo (Brazil).
Kick of meeting of a joint project.
Bruno Sudret gives a distinguished lecture in Prague
Bruno Sudret gave a lecture entitled “Surrogate modelling using sparse polynomial chaos expansions: a machine learning flavour."
The RSUQ chair attends the EMI/PMC 2024 conference
From May 28-31, Anderson Pires and Styfen Schär, along with former visiting students Miriam Dodt and Alessio Faraci, attended the EMI/PMC conference in Chicago.
New Editorial Board membership
Bruno Sudret joins the Editorial Board of the “Journal of Machine Learning for Modeling and Computing”.
New Associate Editor appointment
Stefano Marelli joins the Associate Editors team of the “ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems”.
New paper published in Reliability Engineering & System Safety
M. Moustapha, S. Marelli and B. Sudret published a new paper about active learning for system reliability analysis.
Styfen Schär participates in the MASCOT-NUM conference
From April 2-5, 2024, Styfen Schär attended the MASCOT-NUM conference in Hyères, France, an event organized by the MASCOT-NUM research network.
New paper published in Nature Communications
Moustapha Maliki and Bruno Sudret co-author a paper on optimal renovation strategies for buildings in Switzerland.
Bruno Sudret gives an invited lecture at the 94th GAMM Annual meeting
Bruno Sudret gives an invited lecture at the 94th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics entitled “Sparse polynomial chaos expansions: a review of recent developments”.
The RSUQ Chair participates in the SIAM UQ conference
The SIAM Uncertainty conference was organized in Trieste (Italy) from February 27 to March 1st, 2024.
Jonathan Moran joins the Chair of Risk, Safety and Uncertainty Quantification for a 5-month research stay
Jonathan Moran, a PhD student from the University of Liege in Belgium joins the Chair as a visiting researcher to work on Bayesian neural networks for surrogate modelling.
Katerina Giannoukou’s secondment at the Technical University of Munich (TUM)
Katerina Giannoukou has returned from her 3-month stay in Munich, where she explored multi-fidelity applications in crashworthiness as a visiting student at TUM
New paper published in Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing
S. Schär, S. Marelli, and B. Sudret published a new paper about surrogate modeling for dynamical systems.
Anderson Pires in the winning team of GREYDIENT Hackaton
The GREYDIENT Hackathon, a dynamic follow-up event organized from November 14th to 16th, 2023.
Beyond Borders: GREYDIENT's Network Event in Munich (Germany)
The sixth network-wide event (NWE) of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network (ITN) GREYDIENT took successfully place in Munich from November 7th to 10th, 2023. The event was organized through the collaborative efforts of the Technical University of Munich and BMW.
Lukas Fritsch joins the Chair of Risk, Safety and Uncertainty Quantification for a 5-month research stay
Lukas Fritsch, a master student in Civil Engineering from the Leibniz University in Hannover, Germany, joins the Chair to work on advanced structural reliability methods.
Bruno Sudret gives a keynote lecture at ICASP14
The Chair of Risk, Safety and Uncertainty Quantification was well represented at the 14th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering (ICASP14), Dublin (Ireland), by Bruno Sudret giving a keynote lecture entitled “Active learning methods in structural reliability and design optimization”.
Bruno Sudret gives a semi-plenary lecture at UNCECOMP 2023
Bruno Sudret gives a semi-plenary lecture at the 5th International Conference on Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Science and Engineering in Athens (Greece), entitled “Surrogate modelling for stochastic simulators”.
New paper published in International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification
Together with O. Roustant, F. Gamboa and B. Iooss from the Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse in France, N. Lüthen, S. Marelli, and B. Sudret published a new paper about global sensitivity analysis using Poincaré basis functions.
Software engineer with civil engineering background
Cubus AG is looking for new employees with civil engineering and programming skills.
New paper published in Computers & Structures
M. Moustapha and B. Sudret published a new paper on the approximation of non-smooth functions using a three-stage approach combining clustering, classification and regression.
New paper published in in Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics and Engineering
N. Lüthen, S. Marelli, and B. Sudret published a new paper about surrogate modeling for stochastic simulators.
New paper published in Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics
In collaboration with M. Broccardo from University of Trento (Italy), X. Zhu and B. Sudret published a new paper on Seismic fragility analysis using stochastic polynomial chaos expansions.
Xujia Zhu defended his PhD thesis
Xujia Zhu successfully defended his PhD thesis on “Surrogate modeling for stochastic simulators using statistical approaches”.
Multi-objective robust optimization using adaptive surrogate models for problems with mixed continuous-categorical variables
New paper published in Structural Multidisciplinary Optimization M. Moustapha and B. Sudret publish a paper on multi-objective robust optimization together with A. Galimshina and G. Habert (D-BAUG/IBI).
Bruno Sudret gives a keynote lecture at CILAMCE’2022
Bruno Sudret delivered a keynote lecture entitled “Surrogate models for uncertainty quantification in computational sciences” at the XLIII Ibero-Latin American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering (CILAMCE 2022) in Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil.
New paper published in International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification
X. Zhu and B. Sudret published a new paper on extending polynomial chaos expansions to the emulation of stochastic simulators.
GREYDIENT network-wide event 3
The third network-wide event of GREYDIENT took place in Hannover!
Nora Lüthen defended her PhD thesis
Today, Nora Lüthen successfully defended her PhD thesis entitled “Sparse spectral surrogate models for deterministic and stochastic computer simulations”.
Xujia Zhu received the Best Paper Award at the ISRERM22 Conference
Xujia Zhu, a PhD student of our group in his final year, received the Best Paper Award awarded at the 8th International Symposium on Reliability Engineering and Risk Management (ISRERM’22), which took place at the Leibniz University Hannover (Germany) on September 4-7, 2022.
Paul-Remo Wagner receives the ETH medal for his PhD thesis
Paul-Remo Wagner was awarded the ETH medal for his PhD thesis on “Stochastic Spectral Embedding in Forward and Inverse Uncertainty Quantification”.
New paper published in Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing
In collaboration with T. Zhou and Y. Peng from Tongji University, B. Sudret and S. Marelli published a new paper on a novel adaptive approach for the probability density evolution method for reliability analysis.
New paper published in Geophysical Journal International
In collaboration with G. A. Meles and N. Linde from the University of Lausanne, S. Marelli published a new paper on the combination of dimensionality reduction and surrogate modelling for geophysical tomographic imaging.
Network-wide GREYDIENT event hosted in Zurich
We hosted the second network-wide event of GREYDIENT in April 19-22.
Two open PhD positions in Uncertainty Quantification
The positions are offered by the Chair for Reliability Engineering at TU Dortmund, Germany.
SAMO 2022
The 10th International Conference on Sensitivity Analysis of Model Output will be held in Tallahassee, Florida between March 14-16, 2022.
B. Sudret publishes a book on structural mechanics with Springer
The book entitled “Baustatik – eine Einführung” was published in German by Springer Vieweg.
Post-doc/scientific developer opening at RSUQ
It is our pleasure to announce the opening of a post-doc/scientific developer position in our Chair.
MSc thesis opportunity: Sensitivity analysis for a novel urban drainage model
Interested in UQ and hydrology? Here is a unique MSc opportunity offered by the Department Urban Water Management at EAWAG.
Open PhD position at ONERA (France) co-supervised by RSUQ
The title of the thesis proposal is Multi-fidelity based machine learning approaches for uncertainty propagation of field variables, application to the design of aerospace vehicles.
UQSay seminar on Poincaré chaos expansions
Nora Lüthen presented the results of a collaboration between RSUQ and researchers from the Institut de Mathématiques Toulouse, France, at the 41st UQSay seminar.
New paper published in Structural Safety
M. Moustapha, S. Marelli and B. Sudret published a new paper on active learning reliability methods.
New paper published in Structural Safety
In collaboration with I. Papaioannou and D. Straub from TU Munich (Germany), P.-R. Wagner, S. Marelli, and B. Sudret published a new paper on rare event estimation using the recently developed technique stochastic spectral embedding.
New paper published in Frontiers in Built Environment
Tsokanas, N., Zhu, X., Abbiati, G., Marelli, S., Sudret, B., and Stojadinovic, B. published a new paper on global sensitivity analysis for hybrid simulations with stochastic substructures
Bruno Sudret gives a keynote.
Bruno Sudret gives a keynote lecture at the Euromech 618 Conference.
Lecture on Simulation Based Risk Analysis at ZHAW
On Nov 16, 2021, Nora Lüthen gave a three-hour lecture on simulation-based risk analysis as a part of the CAS "Risikoanalytik und Risiko-Assessment" of the ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften.
GREYDIENT first ITN meeting
The first network-wide event of GREYDIENT happened on November 8-10 in Belgium. Our PhD students Anderson and Katerina were there!
H2020 HIPERWIND Project Webinar
The HIPERWIND project is part of the Horizon 2020 research and innovation- program. Learn more about the project and get a glimpse of early results during the first webinar on November 19 from 14:00 to 16:30 CET.
Bruno Sudret gave an invited lecture on active learning methods for structural reliability analysis.
Bruno Sudret gave a lecture entitled “Benchmarking active learning methods for structural reliability analysis” at the 8th Workshop on Robust and Reliable Design organized by the GST "Mécanique et Incertain" of the Association Française de Mécanique. The online workshop was attended by more than 50 people from both French academia and industry.
Polynomial chaos expansions and UQLab presented at the 4th Indian National Conference on Multidisciplinary Design, Analysis and Optimization
Bruno Sudret and Nora Lüthen delivered a lecture and UQLab tutorial on polynomial chaos expansions at the 4th Indian National Conference on Multidisciplinary Design, Analysis and Optimization.
New paper published in SIAM/ASA Journal of Uncertainty Quantification
X. Zhu and B. Sudret published a new paper on building surrogate models to represent the response distribution of stochastic simulators.
New paper published in Structural safety
Faes, M. G. R., Daub, M., Marelli, S., Patelli, E., Beer, M. published a new paper on Engineering analysis with probability boxes: a review on computational methods.
Paul-Remo Wagner defended his PhD thesis
Today Paul-Remo Wagner successfully defended his PhD thesis on “Stochastic spectral embedding in forward and inverse uncertainty quantification”.
Matrisk offers a Risk Engineer position in Affoltern am Albis
Matrisk is an engineering consultancy that combines scientific exellence with a highly targeted and practical approach to provide the decision support that their clients need. You can become part of their team as a Risk Engineer.
The 4th International Conference on Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Sciences and Engineering will be hald as on online conference from June 27th to 30th, 2021.
ICOSSAR 2021-2022
The International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability will be hosted by Tongji Unversity between June 20th to 24th, 2022.
New paper published in Reliability Engineering & System Safety
X. Zhu and B. Sudret published a new paper on global sensitivity analysis for stochastic simulators.
EMI/PMC 2021
The EMI/PMC 2021 conference will be hosted by Columbia University from May 25th to 28th, 2021.
Review and benchmark paper on sparse polynomial chaos expansions published
A paper about sparse polynomial chaos expansions by N. Lüthen, S. Marelli and B. Sudret has recently been published in the SIAM/ASA Journal of Uncertainty Quantification.
The Chair is looking for a full-stack web developer
We have an open project-based position for the development of a teaching web platform and a set of interactive applications related to the civil engineering Bachelor course “Structural Mechanics”.
Best poster award for Nora Lüthen at MASCOT-NUM 2021
Nora received the award for her poster on “Sparse regression-based Poincaré expansions for global sensitivity analysis”, which she presented at this year’s virtual edition of the annual MASCOT-NUM 2021 meeting.
Grenoble Alpes University (UGA) offers a PhD position on the dynamics of COVID-19 propagation
The PhD position is funded by CNRS (via the MODCOV19 platform) and is scheduled to start on October 1st, 2021. The PhD student will be registered in the MSTII doctoral school and she/he will be attached to AIRSEA project/team at Jean Kuntzmann Lab (UMR 5224) in Grenoble (France).
The MASCOT NUM 2021 meeting focuses this year on statistical analysis and uncertainty quantification of complex numerical models for natural world. It will take place from April 27th to 30th, 2021.
New papers published in the Journal of Computational Physics and International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification
Two papers about the work on Stochastic Spectral Embedding (SSE) by P.-R. Wagner, S. Marelli, C. Lataniotis and B. Sudret have been recently published.
Uncertainty quantification in flooding prevention project
As part of the EXAR project, uncertainty quantification techniques were used to gain insights into the effects uncertainties have on the hydrological model predictions. This is one of the first mentions of UQ in a federal office report in Switzerland.
New group picture from our home offices
With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic still restricting our contacts, we thought it might be a good idea to show our faces again by updating our group picture.
University of Stuttgart offers positions for junior research group leaders
The cluster of excellence EXC 2075 Data-Integrated Simulation Science (SimTech) at the University of Stuttgart invites applications for two positions of Independent Junior Research Group Leaders in Data-Integrated Simulation Science
Prof. Bruno Sudret appointed in scientific committee of LNE
Prof. Bruno Sudret is appointed in the scientific committee Mathematics/Statistics of the French Laboratoire National de Métrologie et d’Essais.
Ph.D positions in grey-box models for safe and reliable intelligent mobility systems
It is our pleasure to announce the recruitment of 15 PhD students as part of the European Innovative Training Network (ITN) GREYDIENT (H2020-MSCA-ITN-2020 “Grey-Box Models for Safe and Reliable Intelligent Mobility Systems”).
Chair of RSUQ is the 4-th most cited on UQ in 2020
We proudly announce that the Chair ranks as the 4-th most cited on Uncertainty Quantification in the last year according to Google Scholar. Congratulations to all the PhDs, postdocs and senior scientists that contributed to this great success!
The Eccomas congress 2020 together with the 14th WCCM conference will take place in a digital version between January 11-15, 2021.
Ph.D position in surrogate modelling for uncertainty quantification in offshore wind turbine design
The Chair opens a Ph.D. position in the field of advanced simulation methods for offshore wind turbine design in the context of the European Project HIPERWIND.
Innovedum grant
The Chair received an Innovedum grant to develop a web-based platform hosting educational apps for the two Structural mechanics courses.
HIPERWIND European project Kick-off meeting
The kick-off meeting of the Horizon 2020 European project HIPERWIND devoted to the next-generation design of offshore wind turbine farms has taken place online on December 8 and 9, 2020.
Biswarup Bhattacharyya joins the Chair
Biswarup will work as a post-doctoral researcher with the main interest to develop surrogate modeling frameworks for mixed discrete-continuous random variables.
European H2020 Grant for the HIPERWIND project
The project HIPERWIND (Highly advanced probabilistic design and enhanced reliability methods for high-value, cost-efficient offshore wind) has been approved by the European Commission end of July 2020.
IFIP WG 7.5 2020
The IFIP WG 7.5 2020 conference will be hosted by Kyoto University from August 23rd to 26th.
New paper published in Building and Environment
M. Moustapha co-authored a new paper proposing a methodology for the identification of robust strategies in building renovations. The paper is a result from a collaboration with the Chair of Sustainable Construction at ETH Zurich, the University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland and the Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.
New paper published in Joule
S. Marelli co-authored a new paper comparing options for a European renewable energy supply grid. The paper is a result from a collaboration with IAAS Potsdam and the Climate Policy Group in ETH.
New paper published in Reliability Engineering & System Safety
A former visiting scholar of the Chair (H. M. Kroetz) recently published a paper in collaboration with M. Moustapha, A.T. Beck and B. Sudret on reliability-based optimization problems in a life-cycle cost setting.
New paper published in the International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification
X. Zhu and B. Sudret published a new paper on emulating stochastic simulator responses with generalized lambda distributions.
New paper published in Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing
A paper co-authored by S. Marelli and B. Sudret was recently published on MSSP, as a result of a collaboration with the University of Aarhus (G. Abbiati) and the ETH Chair of Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (B. Stojadinovic and N. Tsokanas).
New papers published in Reliability Engineering and System Safety and the International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification
Two papers resulting from a collaboration of the Chair with Télécom Paris (Dr. J. Wiart) and Université Paris-Saclay (Prof. D. Lesselier) have been recently published.