Katerina Giannoukou gets the best student paper award at ISMA-USD’24

Katerina Giannoukou

Our PhD students Katerina Giannoukou and Anderson Pires participated in the external page 2024 Leuven Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering in Leuven (Belgium), on September 9-11, which was coupled with the external page 10th International Conference on Uncertainty in Structural Dynamics (USD2024).

Anderson presented his paper “New insights on reliability analysis for stochastic simulators using surrogate models” (co-authored by M. Moustapha, S. Marelli and B. Sudret).

Katerina won the best student paper award for her work on “Exploring multi-fidelity noisy data: methods and real-world examples”, co-authored with P. Ascia and F. Duddeck (TU Munich), S. Marelli and B. Sudret.

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