- The paper entitled "external page Polynomial-chaos-based Kriging" by R. Schöbi, B. Sudret and J. Wiart is the second most cited of International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification. (January 2023)
- The paper entitled "external page Active learning for structural reliability: Survey, general framework and benchmark" by M. Moustapha, S. Marelli, and B. Sudret (2022) is the 3rd most downloaded of Structural Safety. (January 2023)
- The paper entitled "external page Engineering analysis with probability boxes: A review on computational methods" by M. Faes, M. Daub, S. Marelli, E. Patelli and M. Beer (2021) is among the 25 most cited articles from Structural Safety published since 2020. (January 2023)
- The paper entitled "external page Active learning for structural reliability: Survey, general framework and benchmark" by M. Moustapha, S. Marelli, and B. Sudret (2022) is among the 25 most cited articles from Structural Safety published since 2020. (January 2023)
- The paper entitled "external page Metamodel-based importance sampling for structural reliability analysis" by V. Dubourg, B. Sudret and F. Deheeger (2013) is the 10th most downloaded of Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics in the last 90 days. (January 2023)
- The paper entitled "external page Sparse polynomial chaos expansions: Literature survey and benchmark" by N. Lüthen, S. Marelli and B. Sudret (2021) is among the 8 most read articles of SIAM/ASA Journal of Uncertainty Quantification. (January 2023)
- The paper entitled "external page A general framework for data-driven uncertainty quantification under complex input dependencies using vine copulas" by E. Torre, S. Marelli, P. Embrechts and B. Sudret is the most cited of Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics since 2018. (January 2022).
- The paper entitled "external page Polynomial-chaos-based Kriging" by R. Schöbi, B. Sudret and J. Wiart is the most downloaded of International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification (January 2022).
- The paper entitled "external page Stochastic spectral embedding" by S. Marelli, P.-R. Wagner, C. Lataniotis and B. Sudret is the 4-th most downloaded of International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification (January 2022).
- The paper entitled "external page Parametric hierarchical kriging for multi-fidelity aero-servo-elastic simulators — Application to extreme loads on wind turbines" by I. Abdallah, C. Lataniotis and B. Sudret is the 4-th most cited of Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics since 2018. (January 2022).
- The paper entitled "external page Metamodel-based importance sampling for structural reliability analysis" by V. Dubourg, B. Sudret and F. Deheeger is the 9-th most downloaded of Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics in the last 90 days. (January 2022).
- The paper entitled "external page Sparse polynomial chaos expansions: Literature survey and benchmark" by N. Lüthen, S. Marelli and B. Sudret is the 11-th most downloaded of SIAM/ASA Journal of Uncertainty Quantification in the last 12 months (January 2022).
- The paper entitled "external page An adaptive algorithm to build up sparse polynomial chaos expansions for stochastic finite element analysis" by G. Blatman and B. Sudret is the 17-th most downloaded of Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics in the last 90 days. (January 2022).
- The paper entitled "external page An active-learning algorithm that combines sparse polynomial chaos expansions and bootstrap for structural reliability analysis" by S. Marelli and B. Sudret is the 2-nd most cited of Structural Safety. (January 2021).
- The paper entitled "external page A general framework for data-driven uncertainty quantification under complex input dependencies using vine copulas" by E. Torre, S. Marelli, P. Embrechts and B. Sudret is the 3-rd most cited of Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics since 2018. (January 2021).
- The paper entitled "external page Parametric hierarchical kriging for multi-fidelity aero-servo-elastic simulators — Application to extreme loads on wind turbines" by I. Abdallah, C. Lataniotis and B. Sudret is the 14-th most cited of Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics since 2018. (January 2021).
- The paper entitled "external page Metamodel-based importance sampling for structural reliability analysis" by V. Dubourg, B. Sudret and F. Deheeger is the 5-th most downloaded of Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics in the last 90 days. (January 2021).
- The paper entitled "external page An adaptive algorithm to build up sparse polynomial chaos expansions for stochastic finite element analysis" by G. Blatman and B. Sudret is the 10-th most downloaded of Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics in the last 90 days. (January 2021).
- The paper entitled "external page Metamodel-based importance sampling for structural reliability analysis" by V. Dubourg, B. Sudret and F. Deheeger is the 7-th most downloaded of Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics. (March 2020).
- The paper entitled "external page An adaptive algorithm to build up sparse polynomial chaos expansions for stochastic finite element analysis" by G. Blatman and B. Sudret is the 13-th most downloaded of Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics. (March 2020).
- The paper entitled "external page Structural reliability analysis for p-boxes using multi-level meta-models" by R. Schöbi and B. Sudret is the most cited of Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics. (March 2020).
- The paper entitled "external page Sparse polynomial chaos expansions of frequency response functions using stochastic frequency transformation" by V. Yaghoubi, S. Marelli, B. Sudret and T.Abrahamsson is the 5-th most cited of Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics. (March 2020).
- The paper entitled "external page A general framework for data-driven uncertainty quantification under complex input dependencies using vine copulas" by E. Torre, S. Marelli, P. Embrechts and B. Sudret is the 13-th most cited and 12-th most downloaded of Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics. (March 2020).
- The paper entitled "external page An active-learning algorithm that combines sparse polynomial chaos expansions and bootstrap for structural reliability analysis" by S. Marelli and B. Sudret is the 8-th most cited of Structural Safety. (March 2020).
- The paper entitled "external page Metamodel-based importance sampling for structural reliability analysis" by V. Dubourg, B. Sudret and F. Deheeger (2013) is the most cited of Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics since 2012 (January 2018).
- The paper entitled "external page An adaptive algorithm to build up sparse polynomial chaos expansions for stochastic finite element analysis" by G. Blatman and B. Sudret (2010) is the 2nd-most downloaded of Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics (January 2018).
- The paper entitled "external page Polynomial Chaos Expansion Models for the Monitoring of Structures under Operational Variability" by M. Spiridonakos, E. Chatzi and B. Sudret is the most cited of ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering, over the past three years (January 2018).
- The paper entitled "Rare Event Estimation Using Polynomial-Chaos Kriging" by R. Schöbi, B. Sudret and S. Marelli is the 4th-most cited of ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering, over the past three years (January 2018).
- The paper entitled "Structural reliability analysis for p-boxes using multi-level meta-models" by R. Schöbi and B. Sudret (2017) is the 2nd-most downloaded of Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics. (September 2017).
- The paper entitled "external page An adaptive algorithm to build up sparse polynomial chaos expansions for stochastic finite element analysis" by G. Blatman and B. Sudret (2010) is the 3rd-most downloaded of Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics (September 2017).
- The paper entitled "Reliability analysis of high-dimensional models using low-rank tensor approximations" by K. Konakli and B. Sudret (2016) is the 2nd-most downloaded of Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics (January 2017).
- The paper entitled "external page A unified framework for multilevel uncertainty quantification in Bayesian inverse problems" by J.B. Nagel and B. Sudret (2016) is the most downloaded of the journal of "Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics". (May 2016).
- The paper entitled "external page Global sensitivity analysis using polynomial chaos expansions" by B. Sudret (2008) is the 2nd-most cited in 5 years in the journal of "Reliability Engineering & System Safety" (June 2013).