Büsra Yildirim

Büsra Yildirim


ETH Zürich
Dep. of Civil, Env. and Geomatic Eng.
Büsra Yildirim
Risiko, Sich., Ungew. im Bauing.w.
HIL E 23.2
Stefano-​Franscini-Platz 5
8093 Zürich


PhD Student at DTU external page (Danmarks Tekniske Universitet)


external page DTU Wind and Energy Systems

Büsra received her master’s degree from the METU Civil Engineering Department, with the thesis “Hydrodynamic Analysis of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Concepts: A Case Study in Black Sea.”

Currently, she is a PhD candidate at DTU Wind and Energy Systems. Her PhD research focuses on uncertainty quantification of the floating wind turbine (FWT) modeling chain, where she also conducts design optimization. As part of her PhD, she worked on the HIPERWIND project, where her focus was sensitivity analysis of FWTs and identifying relevant serviceability limit states. She also contributes to IEA (International Energy Agency) Task 49: Integrated Design of Floating Wind Arrays WP3 to investigate the risks and mitigation strategies for floating wind turbine arrays. 

Büsra joined the Chair of Risk, Safety, and Uncertainty Quantification Group from February to June 2025. During this collaboration, she will be working on reliability-based design optimization techniques and applications for wind energy systems.

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