
The award for the best Ph.D student presentation was given to Jonas Sukys (ETH Zürich) for his talk on Multi-level Monte Carlo finite volume methods for stochastic systems of hyperbolic conservation laws.

The slides of the oral presentations and the posters can be found on the MascotNum website: external page


ETH Zürich (Switzerland), April 23rd-25th, 2014

MascotNum is a network of academics and industrial partners originally founded in France in 2007 and dedicated to the development of stochastic methods for the analysis of computer simulations (external page

The addressed research topics encompass the design, modeling and analysis of computer experiments with applications to uncertainty quantification, global sensitivity analysis, optimization and related fields.

MascotNum organizes a three-day annual meeting which usually comprises a “Ph.D. day” during which graduate students present their recent work in the field and compete for the MascotNum Ph.D. prize, followed by two days of invited lectures.

The 2014 venue of the MascotNum annual meeting will be hosted by ETH Zurich, April 23rd-25th, 2014. It is jointly organized by the Chair of Risk, Safety and Uncertainty Quantification (Prof. Dr. Bruno Sudret, ETH Zurich) and the Institute of Mathematical Statistics and Actuarial Science of the University of Bern (Dr. David Ginsbourger).


Prof. Dr. Bruno Sudret (homepage), Dr. David Ginsbourger (external page homepage)



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