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Welcome to the Chair of Risk, Safety and Uncertainty Quantification at the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering. The Chair was established in August 2012 and is headed by Prof. Dr. Bruno SUDRET.

The Chair performs research and teaching in the fields of structural reliability, risk analysis and uncertainty quantification in engineering and applied sciences. It also develops the UQLab software (external page, a unique Matlab-based platform for uncertainty quantification.

For students and scholars looking for an internship, Ph.D, post-doc, etc.: click here.

Latest News

Software tutorial about UQ with UQLab and UM-bridge at Front-UQ 2024

New paper published in Structural Safety

The final GREYDIENT network-wide event took place in Leuven

Anderson Pires completed his secondment at Phimeca Engineering in Paris

UQLab News

UQLab V2.1 is out!

UQLab V2.0: New release fully open-source

UQ[py]Lab surpasses 200 active users

Upcoming Events

SAMO 2022


ICOSSAR 2021-2022

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